

Walking in England claims to have over 3,500 free walks on line, which are organised into county lists. Given that walking has to be one of the things all local historians enjoy, then this website should have something for everyone, although, for some reason, London has no county entry. The walks come from various sources and all are accompanied by free, download-able, maps. Well worth thirty minutes of your time. There are lots of 'sister' sites (e.g.,

The website of the Warwickshire Industrial Archaeology Society is a real joy, with links to lots of other local history related websites and photographs of Warwickshire's industrial buildings and townscapes.

The website of the Federation of Ulster Local Studies has a great links section if you are looking for local history societies in this part of Ireland.

The website of the Vernacular Architecture Group is a great place to look for information relating to traditional building styles and methods in the British Isles. It has lots of useful links.

The website of the Milestone Society is not the prettiest you will come across, but if you take the time to scroll down the page you will eventually come to a list of links to other websites relating to milestones and turnpike roads, which is well worth exploring. The Milestone Society was founded in 2001, nine months after Local History Magazine published an article by Carol Haines about her forthcoming book, English Milestones, and a 'Milestones 2000' Dayschool at the Black Country Museum in October 2000 (LHM No.81, Sep/Oct 2000). Looking back it was a good issue, as it also contained 'The Rise and Fall of the Turnpike' by Paul Hindle and a striking picture of a North Wales milestone on the cover.

10 April 2009

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